A student in my Body and Language course wrote a gorgeous essay about our class and time together. He so beautifully describes basically all I most care about within teaching. Read it here: “Philosophy with the Body in It: My Experience Studying Dance at Princeton.”
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Daily Princetonian Essay, Spring 2022

Fall 2021
“This is not a book, really. It’s an act. Thoughts, images, words, feelings are pulled together, but the object created is not for sale.” Emilee Lord wrote a beautiful review of Gathering Space for thINKingDANCE.net

Spring and Summer 2021
- Spring 2021: Gathering Space. I edited and published a chapbook of so many favorite artists and thinkers playing with ideas of “gathering” and /or “space.” The violence, grief, beauty, reflection, and imagination of this last year find form. The book is free and being distributed throughout NYC in 2021.
- Summer 2021: Pioneer Works Narrative Arts Residency on Governor’s Island. This delicious space and time was rescheduled from 2020 to 2021. What a gift. More details soon.

Writing 2020
- April 2020: Artists Reach Out: reflections in a time of isolation. Interview with Aynsley Vandenbroucke by amazing Eva Yaa Asantewaa on her InfiniteBody site.
- Fall 2020: Imagining: A Gibney Journal, Issue 1, Eva Yaa Asantewaa editor. I wrote an essay, “Meditations on Computers and Presence in the Age of Distance.” Scroll down for it, but also check out the other amazing pieces.

September 2020- Essay Published!
An essay I worked on this summer, “Meditations on Computers and Presence in the Age of Distance” was recently published in the inaugural issue of Imagining: A Gibney Journal, edited by the amazing Eva Yaa Asantewaa

Summer 2020 + Recent
I’ll be in a Narrative Arts residency at Governors Island through Pioneer Works for ten weeks this summer. More about this soon. Also, a piece of mine, “Bodies of Silence, Parts of an Essay,” was recently published by PAJ- A Journal of Performance and Art (September, 2019). Read past that first page! The essay gets formally experimental as it goes.

March 4, 2020 7pm
“Does Dance Matter to America?” A Long Table discussion at Gibney (280 Broadway, NYC). Details here.

Recent Published Writing
A piece of mine, “Bodies of Silence, Parts of an Essay,” was just published by PAJ- A Journal of Performance and Art (September, 2019). Read past that first page! The essay gets formally experimental as it goes. A lyric essay of mine, “Statement of Divorce,” was recently published in Seneca Review.

November 13, 2019
I’ll be performing new work in progress as part of Brooklyn Bound, hosted by the amazing So Percussion. Aaron Edgecomb and Jenny Beck also perform. Sō Percussion studio. 20 Grand Ave, #205, Brooklyn (between Flushing and Park). $10 suggested donation. Doors open at 7:45pm

Living Gallery May 3, 2019
I’ll be sharing new work in this new series at Gibney curated by the amazing Eva Yaa Asantewaa. 7-7:30pm. Free. I got to work on this project this January at Yaddo, one of my very favorite places in the universe!

Yaddo January 16 – 30, 2019
I’ll be working on new projects in one of my favorite places in the universe! Also, I have a piece of writing in a literary journal (Seneca Review) for the first time, due out any day! See here and here for other recent and upcoming projects.

September 11, 2018 at 7:30 (Dixon Place, NYC)
I’ll read from new performative texts for Experiments and Disorders at Dixon Place, curated by the amazing Christen Clifford and Tom Cole.

April 2018 events at Princeton University
Living at the Intersection Symposium hosted by the Council for Science and Technology at Princeton University. Photographer Jeff Whetstone and I co-conspired on a panel about asking questions. You can see video of a mini-performance I made for it (as well as some of our general structural ideas) here and the whole Asking Questions panel here.
“Teaching and Learning for People with Bodies” I taught a workshop for teachers at Princeton. Some of what we thought about: As faculty, how do we move in the space of the classroom? How can the ways we use our bodies reflect our values as teachers and scholars? How can we use movement and space – where (and if) we sit, how we gesture, how we arrange the room– pedagogically? How and why might we invite students to move around the classroom and take up space of their own?

Reviews + Interviews, “And” premiere at Abrons Arts Center
Some beautiful reviews of the piece by Louis Bury at Hyperallergic, Eva Yaa Asantewaa on InfiniteBody, Sariel Frankfurter at The Brooklyn Rail, and Siobhan Burke at The New York Times. Interviews with Maura Donohue on Culturebot and with Trina Mannino at The Dance Enthusiast.

July 22 + 23, 2017
AND performances at Mount Tremper Arts in the Catskill Mountains. Come for the performance, stay for the campfire! Saturday at 8pm, Sunday at 3pm. Tickets here.

March 30- April 2, 2017
Premiere of new performance (Thurs-Sat at 8, Sun at 3) at Abrons Arts Center in NYC. Aynsley uses experimental literary devices to create a series of live, three-dimensional essays. Buy tickets here.

July 29, 2016
“This summer I sometimes need to dance in silence. It gives me the space to reflect on everything going on in the world and for the dance to incorporate sobbing or stomping or shaking or deep and quiet listening.” Aynsley Vandenbroucke quoted in New York Times article by Siobhan Burke.

September 5 – 8, 2016
Guest teaching at Colorado College in Ryan Platt‘s Junior Seminar course.

May 19- June 14, 2016
Aynsley at Yaddo working on new performance.

April 18, 2016
Dear friend and mentor David Parker and his The Bang Group commend Aynsley and Laurie Berg and honor Allen Greenberg and David White at this Gala. Go to support his work.

March 27, 2016
I’ll be a guest artist during Ana Božičević’s “Poetic Image for the People” course at BHQFU. I’m dying a little (lot) that my current writing crush, Eileen Myles, will also be a guest during the term!

October 7, 2014
Work in progress showing at 7pm. Free.
The Chocolate Factory Theater presents THROW
curated and moderated by Sarah Maxfield.
See a sneak preview of what I’m working on

May 21 – June 23, 2014
Aynsley will be in residence at the MacDowell Colony working on a new dance.