
semester long course at Princeton University

In a universe filled with movement, how and why and where might we find relative stillness? What are the aesthetic, political, and daily life possibilities within stillness? In this studio course open to all, we’ll dance, sit, question, and create substantial final projects. We’ll play with movement within stillness, stillness within movement, stillness in performance and in performers’ minds. We’ll look at stillness as protest and power. We’ll wonder when stillness might be an abdication of responsibility. We’ll read widely within religions, philosophy, performance, disability studies, social justice, visual art, sound (and silence).

Readings include:
Edited by Joan Rothfuss, Eiko & Koma, Time Is Not Even, Space Is Not Empty
Jessica Wolf, Stillness is the Move:Coaching Dianne Wiest for ‘Happy Days’
Abraham Joshua Heschel, The Sabbath
Henry Hampton, Voices of Freedom
Christina Crosby, A Body Undone: Living on After Great Pain
Shunryu Suzuki, Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind